We provide a postage try on service for which includes return postage. If/When the garment is available prior to your event date we will post to you. You agree to return the garment the same day or day after you receive it by lodging over the counter at an Australia Post Outlet (highly recommended) or place in a Yellow Express Post Box by 4pm.
Alternatively you can pick up from Carlingford NSW
Cost for Postage Try On
All packages include a return satchel for you to post back. Pick up and drop off from Carlingford is also available if you need it try on asap
Try on 1 dress = $20 plus $20 postage
Try on 2 dresses = $40 plus $20 postage
Try on 3 dresses = $60 plus $20 postage
Try on 4 dresses = $80 plus $20 postage
Please be aware that not all garments will be available for postage try on as some are very popular